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WP8: Cross-Lingual Information Access Sate of the Art


The MuchMore prototype system is a cross-lingual document retrieval system that enables users to retrieve documents in multiple languages relevant to a given query document. In the current version of the MuchMore system, query documents are German electronic patient records and documents to be retrieved are medical scientific abstracts in both German and English. Applications in other domains and language combinations are feasible, given appropriate linguistic and semantic resources.

The system has been designed as an enterprise information provider, using Java J2EE technology. All strategic components have been redesigned to adhere to the EJB component technology, in order to guarantee full reusability and interoperability in context of Internet and enterprise level applications.

In terms of search functionality, the system offers a complete integration of the EIT, CSLI and CMU search engines and functions as a meta-search engine, organizing results into a uniform format, ranking them by relevance. The uniform display format has been designed to meet the criteria of a full search engine and a standard results fusing measure has been used for merging the different scored results.


last modified, july 2003
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