The MuchMore Prototype
is a cross-lingual document retrieval system that
enables users to retrieve documents (in English and/or
German), which are relevant to a given query document
(in English or German). In the current version of
the MuchMore system, query documents are assumed to
be German electronic patient records and documents
to be retrieved are medical scientific abstracts in
both German and English.
The MuchMore Prototype is implemented as a sophisticated
query construction tool on top of a meta-search engine
that provides access to a merged/ranked list of relevant
documents from three different search engines that
implement cross-linguality in different ways: CMU
(EBT: Example-Based Translation and PRF: Pseudo Relevance
Feedback methods), CSLI (concept-space model), EIT
(semantic annotation - with DFKI).
Try out the MuchMore
Prototype by uploading this example German
patient record.