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WP7.3: Query Construction Tool: Sate of the Art


The entry point to the MuchMore prototype system is a query construction tool that provides a user interface for refining queries that are automatically generated from query documents (i.e.: electronic patient records). For this purpose, the following information is displayed: the text of the query document; a list of automatically extracted medical concepts along with their frequency and the semantic relations between these concepts; a browsing option that helps the user to navigate through the concept space (MeSH) and include more general or more specific concepts in the constructed query. The concept list consists of preferred names of the matched terminology, as found in the controlled vocabulary. Through a double-click on concepts and/or relations all instances in the query are highlighted. Thereby the user can make an informed choice on the relevance of the automatically extracted concepts and relations. For query expansion the tool provides a browse-able contextual view of a concept according to the MeSH hierarchy. By selecting any concept in the generated list an overview is given of ancestor, sibling and child concepts. By double-clicking any of these, the query can be extended with these concepts. Finally, a text area is provided to append new terms to the query, which the user considers relevant but were neither automatically extracted nor available through MeSH browsing. Once the query has been refined according to the user needs, the underlying information about tokens, lemmas, concepts and relations is sent to the selected search engines.

last modified, july 2003
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