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Presentations and Publications



Project related research was presented in the following talks:

Detlef Prescher: Novel Properties and Well-Tried Performance of EM-Based Multivariate Clustering. In: Proceedings of the EuroConference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP-01). Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, September, 2001.

Detlef Prescher: Inside-Outside Estimation Meets Dynamic EM. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT-01). Beijing, China, October 2001.



The project was presented at the first CLASSiks workshop (Madrid, Spain, 4th/5th May 2001) on concertation efforts in the area of Cross-Lingual Information and Knowledge Management. The main objectives of the project were presented and possibilities for closer cooperation were investigated. More specifically, we discussed with representatives of the LIQUID project on how to combine efforts in user and technical evaluation.


Annotation specific issues of the project were presented at the second CLASSiks workshop (Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany, 1st/2nd October 2001).


Application-oriented aspects of the project were presented to representatives of the following companies:



Siemens Medical Solutions AG



last modified, july 2003
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