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WP2: User Requirements


Work on WP2 has been completed. Several meetings between ZInfo, representing the medical domain, and DFKI, representing the technical developers, established a set of requirements that are both technically feasible within the MuchMore project and useful in the medical practice.
Deliverable D2.1: MuchMore User Requirements has been submitted to the commission. It describes in detail the domain boundaries, user profiles, user environment and key cross-lingual requirements for the future implementation of the MUCHMORE prototype. The approach identifies medical literature information needs and supporting features through UML activity diagrams and use cases. Functional and non-functional requirements are detailed, making a clear distinction between cross-lingual features and language independent features that are to be developed. The report is a starting point for the work on corpus annotation in WP4, summarization in WP6, term and relation extraction in WP7 and for the development of an information access prototype system in WP8.


last modified, december 2001
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